Creative Writing
Structuring Effective Dialogue
There are several goals of this lecture. The first is to provide the basics when formatting dialogue. However, the other goals are tied to tips for creating meaningful dialogue along with providing techniques for using dialogue to impact the pacing of the story.
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Working with Meter
While other lectures touch on meter, this lecture allows us the opportunity to focus on the aspects of the poem that contribute to meter, exploring the terminology while also providing a detailed look at how the use of meter and rhyme scheme are essential to creating a structured poem like a sonnet.
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Writing Science Fiction Coming Soon!
I've discovered over the years that Sci-Fi and Fantasy are student favorites in relation to the exploration of genre. While providing an overview of the differences between commercial and literary fiction, this lecture also explores the various Sci-Fi tropes that can make your story truly meaningful.
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Mystery & Detective Fiction Coming Soon!
I've included this genre because detective fiction, in particular, relies upon an understanding of how to present key details along with an emphasis on plotting. This lecture is intended to be taught in conjunction with Sherlock Holmes and Ray Chandler.
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